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Feliz otoño from the Denver Spanish House!

In this issue: Day of the Dead events in Denver, winter classes, gift certificates, and wine recommendations

Give the Gift of Culture

Gift certificates are now available through the Denver Spanish House for Spanish classes. Help your friends and family reach their language goals through Spanish classes. As the busy holiday season approaches, consider leaving hints to your loved ones that what you really want this year is to broaden your mind with language classes.

Denver Day of the Dead celebrations

A more immediate holiday, Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead, will soon be upon us. Denver is home to several celebrations. Here are a few to consider:

Museo de las Americas is hosting a Día de los Muertos celebration on Thursday October 30th at 6:30pm. The event features Mexican paper artist, Jorge Rosano who will be displaying his art. Cost: $5 ($3 for members). 861 Santa Fe, 303-571-4401.

Pirate Art Gallery: This northwest Denver staple will be displaying Day of the Dead art from now until November 2nd, with an opening party on October 31st between 6 and 10pm. 3655 Navajo St, 303.458.6058.

CHAC (Chicano Humanities and Arts Council): snack on pan de muertos and drink Mexican hot chocolate while watching Aztec dancers and perusing CHAC's art next first Friday on Santa Fe. 772 Santa Fe, 303-571-0440.

Upcoming Classes

November and December classes will take breaks the weeks of major holidays.

Spanish for High Beginners: will meet Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm starting November 11th.

Intermediate Spanish: will be ongoing on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:45pm starting Wednesday October 29th. Join anytime.

Teacher immersion: If you're a teacher interested in a short immersion experience this winter break, please contact me. Class will depend on interest.

Wine recommendation: Montes and Kaiken

Now that the weather is getting colder, who doesn't want to snuggle up with a rich Chilean Carmenére or spicy Argentine Malbec? From Chile's Colchagua valley, winery Montes has a knack for maintaining high quaility wines despite its high production. Understanding the promise for great wines in Argentina, Montes started a new winery on the other side of the Andes named Kaiken. Both Kaiken and Montes wines are easy to find in Denver, and are great value wines perfect to take to upcoming holiday parties or to serve at Thanksgiving dinner. Where to find them: Divino and Tipsy's Liquor World. ¡Salud!

Denver Spanish House is a language and cultural center with the goal of sharing the Spanish-language and culture of Latin America and Spain in the Denver area.

Please forward this to anyone you know who may be interested.


Nikki Knaddison
Denver Spanish House
Classes. Culture. Conversation.

Image credits: Day of the Dead Catrina photo used under CC-BY-SA license.

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