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Time (practicing telling time and schedules)

Class Activities: 

Students completed attached do now activity.

Comprehensión auditiva: telling time

Introduced to students:
comienza (to start)/ termina (to end)

La clase de español comienza a las ocho.
La clase de español termina a las ocho y veinticinco.

Students received a sheet with several blank clocks. They listened and drew on the clock face what time each class started and ended.

Matemáticas: 8:45-9:15
Ciencias: 9:25 - 10:05
Arte: 10:13 - 10:50
educación física: 10:55 - 11:43
música: 11:58 - 12:20

Students started writing out their schedule for one day, using the classes above and adding on new vocabulary:
desayuno (breakfast)
almuerzo (lunch)
cena (dinner)
teatro (theater)
literatura (literature)
lectura (reading)
recreo (recess)

Tarea: students will bring in their typical schedule for the week including classes and after-school activities. The schedule should include times (ej. 8:00 español).

Fluency level: 
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