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Before School: High Beginner 10/23

Class Activities: 

-Students presented the airport dialogue acting as both the passenger and the airline employee. Students were graded on confidence, pronunciation, vocabulary, and completion.
-We went over the homework from the previous week and corrected answers.
-We practiced pronunciation of the airport vocabulary and other Spanish words. Students worked on correcting the vowel sounds.
-HOMEWORK: None. This was the last day of the 1st quarter, so we will not have class on Thursday Oct 25.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: 

2nd Period Matrix- 9/21

Class Activities: 

-Students practiced translating Spanish phrases and words into English.
-We reviewed the alphabet and sounds in Spanish. Students practiced writing out words as I spelled each letter. (*copies can be found outside my classroom)
-Students worked in groups spelling out various words to each other in Spanish.
-HOMEWORK: Practice the alphabet sounds at home, especially if you are having trouble in class.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: 

Before School: Beginner 9/7

Class Activities: 

-Students turned in completed homework from the tech lab assignment. If you missed class, please turn this in to my classroom as soon as possible.
-Students were given a handout with tips on how to study vocabulary in Spanish (copies can be found outside my classroom). Students discussed which tools they will use to study this year.
-We reviewed the Spanish alphabet and how to pronounce letters that are different from English.
-Students have no homework.

Fluency level: 

Trabalenguas (pronunciación)

Class Goals: 

Practicar pronunciación a través de trabalenguas

Class Activities: 
  • Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal
  • ¿Usted no nada nada?
    No, no traje traje.
  • El vino vino, pero el vino no vino vino. El vino vino vinagre.
  • r con r cigarro
    r con r barril
    rápido ruedan los carros
    cargados de azucar en el ferrocaril
Class topics: 
Fluency level: 
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