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2nd Period Matrix- 4/3

Class Activities: 

-We reviewed phrases that use the verb "tener". We practiced using "tener" with different subjects. We discussed the difference between a subject and a verb in a sentence.
-Students practiced conversational questions in partners, including a couple new ones.
-Students learned the basics of talking about time in Spanish, how to ask and answer.
-We practiced commands/verbs.

Fluency level: 

Before school high intermediate 1/29/13

Class Activities: 

Students arrived and read a simple book aloud to the group to practice pronunication. We went over some vocabulary from the books (see photo of board).

Students presented their map of Costa Rica and others were able to answer questions about CR.
¿Costa Rica comparte una frontera al norte/sur con qué paises?
¿Cómo se llama la capital de CR?
¿Cómo se llama un volcán muy famoso?
¿Cómo se llama la parque al noroeste de CR?
¿Las costas de CR tocan qué cuerpo de agua?

Juan presented his mini-lesson on present tense verbs and drilled students on their verb conjugations with a game.

Next class, students will present their history of Costa Rica and remaining students will present their verb mini-lesson and activity.

Tarea: texto corto de la comida de Costa Rica. Vamos a decidir lo que vamos a cocinar en la clase el próximo martes.

Class topics: 
Fluency level: 

3rd Period Matrix: 11/30

Class Activities: 

-Students answered comprehension questions on the Picasso reading from last class and discussed the answers together (see attachment for questions)
-We discussed Picasso's art and looked at several of his paintings together.
-Students were given a sheet of verbs to fill out the conjugations for. We will be learning the 20 most commonly used verbs in Spanish, and how to use them. We began working on only the first page, and conjugated the verbs together. We discussed the patterns seen in the way the verbs change according to the subject of the sentence (see attachment for verb list)
-Students were given a homework sheet using the verbs we went over in class (see attachment for assignment). It is due next class period, Friday 12/2.

Fluency level: 

La casa: verbos y acciones en la casa

Class Activities: 

Students arrived and wrote four verbs that take place in each room. We came up with master list:

* dormir
* leer
* relajar
* jugar
* vestirse
* despertarse
* levantarse
* acostarse

* relajar
* mirar la televisión
* conversar
* leer

* cocinar
* preparar
* hornear
* comer

cuarto de baño
* bañarse
* ducharse
* lavarse

We are going to learn present progressive (I am relaxing) to describe what people are doing in the house.

Basic verb information

We haven't seen many verbs yet, so I reviewed some basic verb information:
* There are three verb endings in Spanish: -ar (hablar), -er (comer), -ir (vivir). Generally, verbs ending in -er and -ir are conjugated in the same way.
* The list of verbs above includes several verbs that end in -se, which is a reflexive pronoun. They are used for actions that people do to themselves, and often used with verbs of routine: to brush one's teeth, to shower, to get dressed, to go to bed. For the grammar lovers out there, reflexive verbs are ones where the subject and object are the same.
* I am washing my hands. (Reflexive, I am doing the action to myself).
* I am washing the dishes. (Not reflexive, I am washing dishes).
* I am getting dressed. (Reflexive, I am dressing myself).
* I am dressing my baby. (Not reflexive, dressing baby, not self).

Present progressive verbs

What is the difference between?
I run.
I am running.

I run is a general statement, true in the past, now, and in the future.
I am running is something I am doing right now, in this moment.

Present progressive verbs include the verb estar (to be) and -ar verbs ending in -ando (equivalent to the -ing in English) or -er/-ir verbs ending in -iendo.

Yo estoy (I am)
Tú estás (you are)
él/ella/usted está (he/she/you formal are)
nosotros estamos (we are)
ellos están (they/you all are)

To create the -ing, drop the last two letters in a verb and add -ando for verbs ending in-ar and -iendo for verbs ending in -er/-ir.

lavar --> lavando
hablar --> hablando
conversar --> conversando
mirar --> mirando

comer --> comiendo
correr --> corriendo
vivir ---> viviendo
escribir --> escribiendo

She is watching TV. Ella está mirando la television.
We are working. Nosotros estamos trabajando.
They are writing a letter. Ellos están escribiendo una carta.

Tarea: students need to make sure they know all the verbs that take place in different rooms of the house. They also need to know conjugations for the verb estar. We will be practicing the present progressive on Monday.

Fluency level: 

Review game

Class Activities: 

We had a small class because of the snow, so we played a jeopardy review game to practice some things we've learned so far this year. There were 4 categories:

traducciones (translations)
partes del cuerpo
vocabulary general

Students had to choose a number of difficulty (100, 200, 300, 400, 500) and a category. Students competed in teams.

Tarea: continue to study body part vocabulary from the last class

Fluency level: 
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