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AS Beginner: Wed Nov 19

Class Activities: 

-Students answered questions from our storytelling activity.
-We played a game for practice with common verbs.
-We continued talking about Diego Velazquez and his famous painting, Las Meninas.

Logan before school intermediates 19 de noviembre de 2014

Class Activities: 

¿Qué significa?
1. esconder
2. salir
3. seguir
4. reflejar
5. dar
6. enseñar
7. saber
8. despertar
9. crecer
10. brillar

frase del día: me da igual

gramática: we went over the personal a

Students finished their drawings about the song Ojos color sol and presented to the class. Students analyzed the class knowing the meanings of some of the images.

Tarea: extra credit to watch part of the Latin Grammys Thursday the 20th of November and report back what they've learned.

2nd Period Matrix: Fri Nov 14

Class Activities: 

-Students reviewed music vocab.
-We played a game for practice with action words.
-We read together out loud about the music and dance of merengue.
-We watched a couple videos of merengue dance and listened to a few songs.
-I taught the class the basic rhythm and steps to merengue.

AS Beginner: Fri Nov 14

Class Activities: 

-Students answered questions about our storytelling activity.
-We finished the story about Stripes the tiger.
-We began talking about our next theme: Arte, musica, y baile. Our class will discuss different artists. Today we began talking about Diego Velazquez.
